Author Archives: Daisy


Beijing for Beginners…History 101
in Adventuriety

Beijing for Beginners…History 101

China was a big deal for a lot of reasons.  It was our 6th continent, our 18th country and our last destination for the year and above all, it was China and the thought of China intimidated me. Of all of the countries we have visited in the past year, China seemed the most foreign to me with its language, history, size, government and current...

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26 Jun 2016
To Thine Own Self Be True…Kyoto
in Adventuriety

To Thine Own Self Be True…Kyoto

I’m just going to start by saying that this blog drove me crazy and took forever to write and rewrite and rewrite. We chose Kyoto for five days because the overwhelming advice from both friends and guidebooks was to spend our time in Kyoto!  There seems to be a consensus that Kyoto is  the place to visit and when Japan is the topic, the questions range from, “Have...

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23 Jun 2016
in Adventuriety, Inspirietry


After the sensory overload of Tokyo, we were all looking forward to a little nature and a slower pace.  The charming town of Nikko was recommended both by friends and guidebooks.  It is located a little more than two hours north of Tokyo and offers both the UNESCO World Heritage that includes 103 buildings or structures belonging to two Shinto shrines and one Buddhist temple...

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17 Jun 2016
The Evil Tokyo Tourist
in Adventuriety

The Evil Tokyo Tourist

Traveling can help you get to know yourself for sure.  This  “last trip” on our year long adventure was a point of contention. I wanted Iceland, Norway and Ireland, places that sounded good in the hot summer months and all places I had been looking forward to visiting.  Besides, I am Norwegian on my father’s side and I wanted to visit Norway.  Conversely, my family...

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15 Jun 2016
The Grand Canyon
in Adventuriety

The Grand Canyon

I have been behind on my blogging more than usual after this past South America jaunt and have spent days at home catching up on Peru, Galapagos Islands and Aruba.  It’s not unusual for me to lag behind, but it has been much worse lately and when I finally caught up to our latest adventure I happily reported to Scott who had been asking me on...

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11 Jun 2016
in Inspirietry, Recuperiety


One of the benefits of traveling is that one learns geography and in planning our South America jaunt, Scott was thrilled to realize how closely Aruba and Ecuador are positioned on the globe. While Scott is always on the lookout for trekking opportunities, his true love is the sport of windsurfing and a very dry four years has left his beloved local windsurfing spot looking like...

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10 May 2016
A Real Blogger is born on the Galapagos Islands
in Adventuriety

A Real Blogger is born on the Galapagos Islands

  I feel like a real blogger now.  I am in the middle of nowhere…literally.  I am sitting in the main area of our “lodge” using the wifi, borrowing a power outlet, drinking a local beer.  I have taken many planes and a high speed drug boat (I am fairly certain) to get here.  Scott and I have been watching La Reina del Sur, a...

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30 Apr 2016
The Salkantay Trek Saga…Day 5…Machu Picchu
in Adventuriety

The Salkantay Trek Saga…Day 5…Machu Picchu

By the time we arrived in Aguas Calientes we had been learning and soaking up Andean history and culture for eleven days and we had seen a lot of Inca ruins, five of the ten “Top 10 Inca Ruins to See (that aren’t Machu Picchu)” according to National Geographic to be exact (we didn’t plan that), and a few others not included on the list....

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17 Apr 2016
The Salkantay Trek Saga…Day 4…Down the Tracks
in Adventuriety

The Salkantay Trek Saga…Day 4…Down the Tracks

It started raining in the middle of the night and we woke early to soggy everything. At least we could enjoy the hot springs again for a few hours before heading out.  Ashley, knowing this, was up before the sun and ready to swim.  She impatiently waited for 7:00.  Scott got a text, we must be in range of a signal…Get on the Bus, one...

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16 Apr 2016
The Salkantay Trek Saga…Day 3…Detours can be Fun!
in Adventuriety

The Salkantay Trek Saga…Day 3…Detours can be Fun!

Day three would be all down hill and a much warmer hike, but the treat at the end would be an evening of swimming and soaking in hot springs which we were all looking forward to.  The day would end with our last night of sleeping in a tent, which I was looking forward to. We spent another cold night, waking occasionally to the sounds...

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15 Apr 2016
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