Tag: lessons

The Importance of Miscommunication , Castles, and Baskets Adventuriety / Inspirietry

Miscommunication can be blissful.  I had profound realization of this nugget of wisdom on our hike today plus learned a few other good little tidbits.  We had a great thirty-six hour mini road trip this weekend.  It was fun and we saw some new sights and currency, learned a few things and ate a lot of non-husband approved food.  We are getting closer to daily...

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A Rainbow in Switzerland Inspirietry

I saw another rainbow today.  It was just as beautiful and just as mysterious as the one that I’d seen in Oberammergau last week, but this one, I found it in an “Antiquitäten & Raritäten” shop in Rorschach, Switzerland. We started out yesterday in Oberammergau with the decision to drive to Lichtenstein for lunch.  I don’t really know why, I had mentioned Lichtenstein to Scott...

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Switzerland for Supper Adventuriety

Our phones are not really working.  Scott has an expensive international plan so we can be contacted in an emergency and I put a European SIM chip in my phone when we got here and it works intermittently.  So, we had no way of researching what to do in Vaduz because we only planned lunch.  Not ready for our adventure to end, we used the...

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Lichtenstein for Lunch Adventuriety

Today was a good day.  It started in Germany with a chocolate croissant, and ended toasting with some very nice people at a sailing club in Switzerland while the kids swam in the rain. Have I mentioned that we are not really planners?  We woke up early this morning, Sunday morning, and our first full day off since we started home school.  By the time...

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Zugspitze Adventuriety

We love Oberammergau.  It is a beautiful little village near fabulous hiking trails.  The weather is nice, especially for us rain-starved Californians.  It usually rains here at least a few times a week, complete with lightning and thunder, another treat since we don’t get much of nature’s lightshow in our hometown.  We love all of the weather and the sunshine too.  When it’s not raining...

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The Disney Epiphany Adventuriety

You know that saying about the journey and not the destination?  And the joy of unexpected surprises along the path?  Our adventure today reminded me of those nuggets of knowledge as well as highlighted some previously learned lessons.  The largest jewels in today’s crown of learning are, “be true to thine own travel style” and “the best experience is not always the most thorough experience.” ...

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